Get Involved

Reach out and help make America a better place.

How you can help

First and foremost, before helping us, do what is necessary to help yourself, your family, and get yourself right with God. So before following me on social media, I urge you to follow Jesus.

After that, you can support this mission by signing the petition below, subscribing to my newsletter, following me on social media, checking out my content, and sharing this with a friend.

Finally, whatever you are doing, do more. I cannot tell you what that is, but in prayer and through discernment, God will tell you what He is asking of you. In this way you will best fight for the good and for our country.

If you are looking to advance the cause of military accountability, please consider donating to the congressional candidates who signed the Declaration of Military Accountability at Military Accountability Victory Fund.

American Petition by We the People

Over 30,000 concerned citizens of the United States of America have read and signed the petition asking for accountability from military leaders. I encourage you to read the petition and ask our military leaders to be held accountable.


Follow me on social media

X (formerly known as Twitter): @johny_franks

Instagram: @johny_franks
